
GoGo Loco|System|1.8.6

You can use it on models you're selling, but keep the main icon in the menu. _____________________________________________ This locomotion prefab was created to improve the default controller. On top of that, you have multiple toggle to turn off legs movement or jump animation as example. You can cycle between multiple pose to simulate that you have full body tracking. -Sit/Laydown anywhere There's a build-in play space feature that move your character up and down. Perfect for small character. Special game loco toggle that enable advance movement for game map. Sync memory use 16/256 _____________________________________________ +Extra with flying/ dash that work on PC & Quest. +1 Bit _____________________________________________

GoGo Loco|System|1.8.6
GoGo Loco|System|1.8.6
You can use it on models you're selling, but keep the main icon in the menu. _____________________________________________ This locomotion prefab was created to improve the default controller. On top of that, you have multiple toggle to turn off legs movement or jump animation as example. You can cycle between multiple pose to simulate that you have full body tracking. -Sit/Laydown anywhere There's a build-in play space feature that move your character up and down. Perfect for small character. Special game loco toggle that enable advance movement for game map. Sync memory use 16/256 _____________________________________________ +Extra with flying/ dash that work on PC & Quest. +1 Bit _____________________________________________

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